Discrimination in the Police Force Featuring Janelle Perez

Janelle Perez, Discrimination in the Police Force, The Inspired Women Podcast

Welcome to The Inspired Women Podcast. In today’s episode your host Megan Hall interviews Janelle Perez.

Janelle Perez is a San Francisco bay area native and is joining us from Sacramento, California. Janelle graduated from The Pennsylvania State University with a degree in administration of justice. She was a police officer for almost 7 years. She spent 6 years at the South San Francisco Police Department and then spent 8 months at the Roseville Police Department (outside of Sacramento) where she was terminated for what she believes to be discriminatory reasons. A staunch advocate of equality, Janelle brings her perspective of what it was like to be a female minority in law enforcement.

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Connect With Janelle:


Email – janelleperezofficial@gmail.com



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